Brazilian living in Germany it´s been 5 years. Graduated in Communication Science-Journalism. It´s been 2 years ago I decided to start my career in IT to improve my skills and develop good content with my knowledge on communication and content creation. I started some training and online courses using some platforms like @Udemy and @cursoemvideo. After that, I finished some training such as: - FrontEnd Developer Bootcamp - BTA Berlin - Basic knowledge of Web - Development Tools such as Javascript, Html5, Css3. - Knowledge in Bootstrap, Python, Vue Js and React. I´m starting the journey into IT governance and Agile methods such as ITIL@ and SCRUM. I have plans to understand more about the life cycle in IT and looking for an opportunity where I can use all my skills and grow my passion in this area. I would like to start as a Junior Programming or even 1st Level Support/Backoffice to use my knowledge and learn even more. I´m proactive, passionate about learning, and always focused on improving myself.
in the near future:
If you are also starting this new journey in IT feel free to send me messages and maybe we can help each other exchanging ideas and experiences. I will love to help and be helped.